Spiritual Revolution — World Revolution

German Revolution

A followup of the previous one on National Revolution, this text by Oskar Kanehl talks about the spiritual dimension of the proletarian revolution. Originally published in "Die Erde, 1919, No. 8".

Submitted by Indo on March 10, 2025

Spirit does not cease to be a preparation for revolution.

Scientific spirit is the revolutionary endeavor to penetrate deep into the chaos of the given and emerge again as unquestionable clarity.

Artistic spirit is the revolutionary compulsion under which a soul throws out ideas of feelings of pleasure and displeasure with the objective means of word, sound and spatial image.

The religious spirit is the revolutionary search to find the pure expression of the relationship of human consciousness to divine consciousness and the dignified exercise that ensures freedom of conscience.

The political spirit is the revolutionary endeavor to achieve the happiness of man and humanity through every compromise between fatherland and state.

Spirit is revolution par excellence. The pure, the ruthless, the anti-compromise, patriotism-less, border-post-lifting revolution. Of straight words and clear deeds. The revolution of the spiritually alien and spiritually hostile into the spiritual. Therefore never national revolution, but always world revolution. Germany and France want national revolutions. They revolt against each other. The spiritual revolutionary wants the spiritual. The one in Germany just like the one in France. They want the world together. Humanity. They revolutionize each other, with each other.

The scientifically revolutionary achievement of spectral analysis is breaking down barriers. Michelangelo's artistically revolutionary 'creator' is breaking down barriers. Christ is a world revolutionary. The revolutionary political will for humanity of Marx, Tolstoy, Rosa Luxemburg, Lenin is breaking through the boundaries.

One can certainly recognize the national character of their creator in the expressions of such revolutionary spirit — especially the artistic one — but their will was never Germany or Italy or Palestine, never a national boundary. Spectral analysis, the “Creator”, Christ and Tolstoy, all four of them revolutionized the world.

Spirit was and is the preparation for world revolution. Politically interrupted by the temporary executive power of the great masses driven by insight.

Temporary executive power, that is what the political revolutions have been up to now. National revolutions. Local coups. Border post affairs. The unheard-of hour has arrived, the fulfillment of the political spirit is at hand: the executive of the world revolution. Now for the first time. Through the fist, through the countless fists of the world proletariat. Glorious time into which we are born. Blessed are we survivors who see the twilight of the gods. After the flood of the greatest world calamity, the last executive of the world's counter-spiritual powers, the healing days of the proclamation and Advent of the world revolution.

The Romans will cease to triumph over the Cimbri and Teutons, the Germans over the French, the Entente over the Central Powers, the Whites over the Yellows and Blacks. The political spirit fights against the spirit of militarism, nationalism and capitalism. Only the proletariat will win as the bearer of the executive of the political spirit of human love and human dignity. And all nations will lose.

To your aid, intellectual workers! Come, you philosophers, and think it out for us all, mathematicians, calculate it for us, medical men, dissect it for us. Painters proclaim it in colors on the greatest walls, musicians sound it out to us booming from the orchestras. Poets throw your souls among us, your curses and cries of distress, your lamentations and songs of forbidden love of enemies. That we may be shudderingly stirred by the mass disgrace, the mass robbery, the mass murder, the smoking bloodstain from which freedom is now redeeming itself, and jubilantly raise our hands to the love-warm young day.

It is our turn. To say and sing without shyness how it was that we suffered. It is our turn. To make amends for what our idleness caused before the disaster. It is our turn. Let us do whole deeds.

A mark remains for all who have been thrust into this time. A mark of your time and its guilt burns into all those who are untouched, all churches, all those who are still left with a future of life, all those who are yet to come with a future of life. A mark that will remain an eternal warning: Never again like this.

Do not rest for a moment. Use your pure hour for pure action. The international castle of deception of the triumvirate of militarism, nationalism and capitalism is collapsing. Their posts have been chased away or fled. Fighters of the revolution: beware the world, lest they move in again, lest they sneak in again. It's your turn. Keep the plan clean from the former tyrants of every kind. Keep it just as pure from the commercial transformers, from the parasites of the revolution, from the profiteers of the revolution, from the national revolutions.

The political spirit experiences its executive power in the world revolution. The political spirit, whose minimum demands on the world bourgeoisie are:

Condemnation of those guilty of the world war to forced labor for life in the service of peace.

The surrender of all weapons whose sole purpose is war, for their complete destruction or processing for the service of humanity (cannons, warships, barracks, uniforms).

Release of all soldiers.

Surrender of all tables of law dealing with war and education for war in the military; for their burning.
